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Oil Paintings By Pamela LeGrand
Mr. Crab Blakley Island
16" X 12"
Mr Kelp
36" X 24"
Jelly fish
16" X 20"
A Cry For Kelp
Crab And Kelp
24" X 30"
Crab And Clam Beach
14" X 11"
24" X 20"
Bontanical Beach Life
24" X 30"
Big Dume Treasures
South Shore
18" X 14"
North Shore Kelp 2
18" X 18"
Island Suprise
30" X 15"
Little Dume Malibu
24" X 30"
North Shore Kelp 1
18" X 18"
North Shore Kelp #3
20" X 20"
Point Dume
40" X 30"
Mr. Kelp
North of Trancas Beach
30" X 24"
Care Free In Carmel
30" X 24"
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